Why PUM?

Why should you choose to study at PUM in Szczecin?


high quality of teaching


devoted professors with multi-directional specialties




instruction in small groups, both in pre-clinical and clinical courses


modern and well equipped laboratories, hospitals and clinics



modern Main Library with permanent (free for students) access to the Web databases such as: MEDLINE, SCOPUS, Science Direct, Wiley on-line Library, etc.



✔ 28 years of experience in English Program



well developed and integrated community of foreign students from Scandinavian countries, Faroe Islands, Germany, Israel, Canada and other



Szczecin offers many student-friendly areas



only 120 km from Berlin - good airline connection with all countries




Interesting facts:

  1. Even Catherine the Great made her first steps in Szczecin.
  2. In 2015 our teachers from genetic Department - professors Jan Lubiński and Cezary Cybulski discovered the new high risk breast gene-RECQL.
  3. PUM has The Polish genetic database of Totalitarianism’s Victims - an unprecedented project on an international scale.

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Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie

ul. Rybacka 1, 70-204 Szczecin,
tel. 91 48 00 700 / 800, fax 91 48 00 705
NIP 852-000-67-57, Regon 000288886