
Dear Students,

Recrutation for study and trainesheeps 2025 is planning from 03.03.2023 until 31.03.2025 ! 

Minimal average for study: 3,7

Minimal average for traineeship: 3,4



Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2021-2027. Building on the success of the programme in the period 2014-2020, Erasmus+ strengthens its efforts to increase the opportunities offered to more participants and to a wider range of organisations, focusing on its qualitative impact and contributing to more inclusive and cohesive, greener and digitally fit societies.


A programme participant must meet the following conditions:

a)            be a student, doctoral student or graduate of PUM,

b)           be a citizen of a country participating in the programme or have a permanent residence or refugee status in Poland,

c)            not to be on Dean's leave during the study or traineeship,

d)           in the case of study abroad - to have completed the second year of a uniform Master's degree programme, or the first year in the case of other studies, no later than on the day of departure,

e)           to have sufficient command of the foreign language to be able to study at a partner university or to take part in a traineeship at a receiving institution.

f)            the mobility capital referred to in subsection 3 has not been used up.


In the Erasmus + program, you can apply for mobility:

• for studies - to a foreign university with which the home university has a signed agreement (Partner University),

for traineeship during studies - to a foreign academic or non-academic institution. You can use the offer of your home university or find a place by yourself (you must obtain the institution's initial approval within the required time),

for traineeship after graduation (graduate) - to a foreign academic or non-academic institution. You can use the offer of your home university or find a place by yourself (you must obtain the institution's initial approval letter within the required time).

You can go for studies and traineeships (during and after studies) under the ERASMUS + Program several times, provided that the total length of stay abroad will be:

• max 12 months within one study cycle;

• max. 24 months on master's studies;


In the Erasmus + program, each person gets the possibility of mobility no more than 12 months in each degree, and 24 months in the case of master's studies. This is called "mobility capital".

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