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Dear Students of Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin,

The Main Library of PUM invites you to participate in testing two different learning platforms.

Testing will last from 19.02.2024 till 31.03.2024. We would like to find out your opinion.

Everything that is needed - just use the platform for learning. Find out which one you like more.

We will be checking the reports from the companies showing the student's activity. Based on these statistics will know which platform is intended to be used permanently.

We will be grateful for your assistance.

Your one-month activity will impact the library sources for the closest years.

Platform AMBOSS

AMBOSS is an innovative medical learning platform providing a comprehensive library with the latest content, interactive study tools, and personalized learning experience. Designed to enhance medical education, AMBOSS ensures exam readiness, offers real-world clinical insights and facilitates continuous learning. Accessible anytime, anywhere, it's an everyday companion for medical professionals and students.

The key features include:

  • Comprehensive Medical Knowledge: AMBOSS offers an extensive library of up-to-date medical content covering all disciplines.
  • Interactive Learning Tools: Engage in active learning with interactive case-based questions, clinical scenarios, and customizable study plans.
  • Exam Readiness: Prepare for exams confidently with adaptive Qbank sessions and realistic simulations of medical licensing exams.
  • Personalized Study Plans: Tailor your study experience with personalized plans based on individual learning needs.
  • Real-world Clinical Insights: Gain practical insights with clinical reasoning and decision-making scenarios, bridging the gap between theory and practice.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Access learning resources with a user-friendly mobile app anytime, anywhere online or offline.
  • Continuous Updates: Stay current with the latest medical advancements through regularly updated content, ensuring relevance and accuracy.
  • Preparation for national and international license examinations: all in one resource.


To access the platform, you need to create an individual account on each (using an e-mail address in the pum.edu.pl domain). Afterwards please confirm your e-mail address and set a password for access.


For more information, please visit this link and follow the instructions: https://www.amboss.com/int/campus-access/trial/pmu/


Training Details For Students

19.02.2024 at 16:00







The Vice-Dean for Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of

Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin

Prof. dr hab. n. med. Sebastian Kwiatkowski

has a pleasure to invite PUM students to attend the lectures

held by the representatives of Klinikum Frankfurt /Oder,  Germany




Main Hall at Rybacka street 1







PD Dr. Michael Knoop,

Head of the Department of Surgery

Pancreatic cancer.

Surgical treatment.


Prof. Dr. Christiane Richter-Ehrenstein,

Head of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome.  


Q&A session


The Invitation is addressed to the students from the clinical years.




Dean’s Office urges the students to engage in closer dialogue with the Members of FFO and in particular the students, who are interested in participation in English Program Project “Practical Year Abroad” during 24/25,  to reach a new information or even determine the scope of knowledge.

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Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie

ul. Rybacka 1, 70-204 Szczecin,
tel. 91 48 00 700 / 800, fax 91 48 00 705
NIP 852-000-67-57, Regon 000288886