What is covered by the insurance?

This includes access to primary care, specialist out-patient care, hospital treatment, dental treatment, and ambulance transport. Emergency treatment and treatment in the case of sudden illnesses are generally free of charge. In some cases, you may be asked to pay upfront, but try not to do so. If you do have to pay, make sure you receive a proper receipt with every treatment listed.

EU / EEA/ Swiss nationals covered by a statutory social security scheme may apply for EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) which is issued free of charge. More information about how to receive EHIC card:

Main institution in Poland, which is responsible for the health care system is Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia (abbreviation: NFZ; translation: National Health Fund).

When you seek help of General Practitioner, you need to present the confirmation of your health insurance, in order to receive a referral to medical specialist.

A referral is a document issued by a doctor who orders tests or allows you to sign up for a specialist doctor. Referrals to specialist doctors are needed as part of NHF care. If you want to consult a specialist doctor free of charge or undergo tests, the referral must also be issued by a doctor under the care of the National Health Fund.

EU citizens without health insurance in their countries of residence and non-EU citizens can sign a health insurance agreement with the National Health Fund (or with one of the private clinics).

Limitations of private insurance are set by the policy you decide on. You can choose a cheap one where you have an access only to basic services, such as visit at general practitioner and some specialist doctors. On the other hand, if you decide on more expensive services, they will most probably include more advanced options, e.g.: hospitalisation, operations, giving birth etc.

Also, please, remember that private companies often set so called delay periods, which means that patients have access to certain services only after longer period of paying the insurance contribution (e.g. 60 days).

That is why we strongly recommend that you obtain the public insurance, which will be respected by Polish National Health Fund.

If you are an international student from a non-EU country, you should purchase health insurance before your trip to Poland. International students are required to present proof of adequate health insurance coverage when applying for a student visa.

Non-EU candidates along with application should provide a copy of their insurance signed with a private/ State company. Such document, proving a scope of medical treatment coverage, should be written (or sworn translated to) Polish or English.

Alternatively, a non-EU candidate may submit a written statement saying that he/she obliges to purchase an insurance upon arrival to Poland.

International students and academics are strongly advised to purchase health insurance in their home countries.

Besides the health insurance, there is third party liability insurance (obligatory for those who drive a car) and accident insurance, which also may be reconsidered by you.


Summer practical training obligatory on all majors may require different insurance (such as liability insurance for work in the hospital). PUM liability insurance covers students completing practical training at PUM university hospitals.

Please note that summer practical training completed outside of Poland is not covered by the University insurance.

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Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie

ul. Rybacka 1, 70-204 Szczecin,
tel. 91 48 00 700 / 800, fax 91 48 00 705
NIP 852-000-67-57, Regon 000288886